In the Autumn 2001 BACSA (British Association For Cemeteries In
South Asia)"Chowkidar" Journal I read a very interesting article in the Mailbox section regarding a query from Chris and Caroline
Hayles who were looking for information about an unusual inscription found in the churchyard of the Parish Church of St Nicholas,
Brokenhurst. I didn't think anything more about it after reading all the details until a few weeks later. I bought a photograph
on the internet that was described by the seller as being a photograph of an Indian Regiment. When I recieved the photograph
I could see that it wasn't as described at all. On the back of the photograph it said "Photograph taken by J.W. Martins, chemist,
Brookley Road, Brokenhurst, Hants." I dug out my Chowkidar and contacted Chris and Caroline who were pleased to recieve a
copy of the above photograph to place on their website along with their very interesting article regarding the Indian and
New Zealand Army in Brokenhurst. If you would like to learn more about it click on the above photograph which will take you
to their very interesting website.