Some families know a great deal about their roots; others know very
little. This site started out a few years ago as an attempt to record all I have learnt about my
family history. In these modern times, families tend to be scattered all over the country, if not the world. One of the goals
of this web site was to help my family stay connected even though we live far apart, but has developed into something
much bigger than I had originally anticipated!
This website now contains alot of transcription work that I did in my spare time. Some of
the transcriptions are miscellaneous bits of information I have come across in old books or newspapers I have bought
at auctions and the rest are bigger projects I did during my visits to the Oriental & India Office Reading Rooms. As this
site has grown people have also sent in bits of information for me to include on this site. When this happens I have credited
the sender next to the piece of information.

Soondhru checking for boochies!!!! |
Have you ever wondered what happened to all your family and long
lost cousins since you left India? My family lost touch with theirs when they left India after Independence. I have
since found over a dozen scattered all over the world in Germany, England, Australia, USA, Canada and South Africa. It is
amazing how easy it is to find people now that so many of us have access to the internet. Don't put it off any longer - find

I would like to thank all the people who have helped and advised
me with my research. Especially all the helpful people on the India rootsweb mailing list , Stephen Allberry, the Coode family,
my Uncle Brian, Aunty Val and cousin Margot, but most of all my Grandmother for all her wonderful stories of her life and
family in India that inspired the search to find my roots.